Export .csv sorting order

I have a data view in a table format that contains c.800 records. It is grouped by stage [12 in total] and sorted last>first. There are c.30 other columns containing various information.

When I export the grouping and sorting appear random and do not match what I see on screen where all data is grouped and sorted by stage.

Suggestions/input are most welcome.

Hey @Pablo10 :wave: Welcome to the Noloco community.

The export order will be in the same order as the “Sorting” order which is in the “Options” tab

Similarly, the order of the records within their groups will be controlled by this value


Thanks for replying so quickly Darragh.

So because I have grouped by stage and that is a ‘single select’ Airtable field I cannot then sort by this same field via the ‘Sorting’ drop down list shown in your screenshot, as it’s not available for selection.

That’s correct actually, you could however create another field using a formula that reflects the numeric order based on the Single Select field, and then sort by that field, if you need to

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