Filters on Chart Statistics

Honestly the same principle as having filterable series on charts, the ability to have filterable statistics would make building dashboards a lot better and easier. If you’re working on a blank page this can of course currently be worked around by setting up 2 different charts with their own statistic within them but this is a) more effort to build and b) results in clunky layout choices as you can’t have them neatly in the center of the page.

Bumping as I’ve hit this problem again, it’s really difficult at the moment to build meaningful dashboards that give the users the controls they need to explore their data.

It should be possible to apply collection filters to the individual charts/statistics within a charts element. This is especially important for the actual “statistics” chart type.

One of the most common use cases would be to have a series of statistics (e.g. Projects due in the next 3 months, projects due in the next 30 days, overdue projects) and the ability to change a filter (e.g. Client) which then dynamically updates all of the statistics. This is just not possible currently as in order to display those statistics I would need to create 3 different chart elements to be able to filter out those statistics and then this would result in 3 different filter fields the user would need to change in order to get those statistics for a specific client.