Hey! I have an action button which triggers a Xano webhook to create some records (I have to do it in Xano due to the nested relationship between records, won;t work with Noloco automation). There is a lag is the time taken for the records to sync back of course, so I was thinking of notifying the user when the record is synced into Noloco. But because newly created records via sync do not trigger workflows, I’m not sure there’s any way to do this?! Any ideas very much welcome.
I’m also trying to do this. Seems like quite a big limitation that workflows can’t be triggered from outside noloco and this is throwing some MAJOR kinks in our workflows.
@darragh Looking at an older app, I did trigger a notification when a value was updated via the API, but this was a Noloco table. Am I correct in assuming that Noloco table updates via API do indeed trigger workflows? I’m just considering whether I build a notifications table in Noloco tables. Thanks!
They do indeed!
It’s just synced records (when updated via sync) that don’t trigger workflows
@darragh Thanks, appreciate the speedy reply! But just to clarify, should updates via API to a Xano based table trigger a workflow? Did some initial testing and didn’t seem to work, API update successful but no workflow run, but perhaps it’s related to my workflow set-up.
You’re updating it via the Noloco API yes?
- Is the Workflow enabled
- Did you publish the app after making the changes to the workflow?
- Are you sure the workflow should be triggered by your API request?
It should trigger your workflow if you’re updating a Xano record through the Noloco API
Hi Darragh, yes via the Noloco API, so it’ll be an issue my end. But thanks for the very clear update on how it should work, I’ll have a play around later today.
Got this all working now, thanks @darragh !
Happy to help @lukebranford