User agreement checkbox for signup page

Feature Request: User agreement checkbox for signup page

  • This has come up multiple times with my clients. We need to be able to easily get T&C acknowledgments on signup (ideally), rather than once they’re in the app.
  • I know this can be done with custom code, but it would be really helpful for all those who aren’t able to hack it together to be able to have a simple checkbox that you can enable for the signup screen. Then, the user would have a markdown textbox they can populate with hyperlinked agreements, for example.
  • This solution is simple developmentally, because Noloco only needs to give us the ability to add a checkbox in the signup page, along with a markdown textbox we can write inside of (linking to an external policy or agreement).
  • To see what I’m describing, check out the screenshot of Glide below.

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