Cannot add Pages in "Hidden Pages" Area

I cannot seem to add Pages in the Hidden Pages Area.
The Divider with the + does not pop up inbetween Pages.

Edit: I noticed that I also cannot move a hidden page into a hidden folder.
Or move a visible page into a hidden Folder.

The only way to get something into a hidden folder was to unhide the folder, drag the hidden page into the invisible folder and then hide the folder again.

Hey @_4N, you should be able to hide a page by simply dragging the page into the Drop here to hide blue box at the bottom or by clicking the Show in sidebar toggle in the right side panel. The Add a page here option you’re referencing is only available for live pages.

Regarding adding a page to a hidden folder, that’s actually not an option. You may have to unhide the folder, add the page to it and then hide the folder afterwards.

Yes I know the Drop areas, what I wanted to do is create a Page right in the hidden area.

Regarding the impossibility of moving pages into/from a Folder when they are hidden, that is quite unfortunate and doesn’t seem to make a lot of sense from a UX Standpoint.