Deleting files from edit modal doesn't stick

I’ve noticed over the last week or so that when editing a record from a modal form, if you delete a file it will appear to be gone in the modal but it’s not actually deleted. Here is the most recent record where it happened.

Hi @onlymatt which field on that page is the one that’s causing trouble?

I was able to get it to work without any issues on my own Airtable setup


Here’s a video of it:

It happens consistently with these attachments on our cost table. Here’s the page where the video happened.

Thanks for sharing @onlymatt - I think this issue is limited to when you both delete a file and upload a new one, I think I can explain that.

I’ll raise this with the Engineering team.

In the meantime, if you do each step individually you will likely have a more predictable experience, but of course we’ll figure out why they’re not working together.

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