Drag and drop across all collection views

You can now enable your app users to drag-and-drop records between groups on all the following collection views: rows, columns, cards and tables!Once you have chosen a field to group by, simply toggle on ā€˜Enable drag and dropā€™ to enable your teammates to seamlessly update what group a record belongs to.

Hi @gill,
In a kanban board, it doesnā€™t look like you can move a record to another column if itā€™s lets say 10 down from the top of the headers. Is it possible to make it so that the records can be moved to other columns no matter where they are on the screen?

We have 20-30 tasks at a time. Thanks.

Hey @justinbobby that shouldnā€™t be the case :thinking:

Can you share the name of your app and kanban view with me via DM and we can take a look?

Also, when you say the record is 10 positions down in one status group, when you try to move it to another status, does it 1) stay in the original column and not move at all or 2) does it ā€œdisappearā€ from the kanban board.

If itā€™s the latter, thereā€™s a strong possibility this is due to the record limit set for the kanban view, and if you paginate to the next page it might be showing up there in the status column youā€™ve moved it to.

You might need to increase the record page limit to a higher number if that is whatā€™s happening.

Hazarding a guess here - if its the former, please share your app details so we can check it out.

Hi Gill,

App is Berkeley.noloco.co. It is #1 to your question below.

Here is a video showing the issue.


Thanks for your help.

Hey Justin, thanks for the loom, the issue is clear.

I think this problems comes down to the same ux-improvement described in this community post, whereby, when using kanban on a blank page we arenā€™t letting you scroll within the container, and instead expecting you to scroll the page.

The solution we have proposed (and queued up) should solve your problem, because they would be able to scroll in one column and then easily drag it to another column

Hereā€™s the post for reference:



Perfect. Thank you. Any ETA?

Not right now, but hopefully in the next week or the next couple of weeks.


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