Extract first name into formula field

Hi, Im using a workflow to send an email to clients (firstname surname). Is it possible to extract the firstname so I can use “Hi Firstname”.

The difficulty is some entries could be Dr John Smith or Mrs Jane Smith so extracting the first would be “Hello Mrs” :flushed:

Some examples of our data:

  • Mr John Smith
  • Jane Smith
  • Dr Who

Thank you

Hi @garyGHL this sounds like something our formulas an help with, and the AI suggestions will probably be able to do it for you

Thanks @darragh, I had tried the AI, maybe I wasn’t asking the right questions, it works great on [firstname lastname] but not on [title firstname lastname].

Maybe in the future I will need to look at splitting the form fields to capture this. AI will never know if the firstname is a title or a real name :slight_smile:

Actually, I think it did work :slight_smile:

Nice one @garyGHL ! Looks like that did the trick alright