File upload size or quantity limitations?

I’m not sure if this is a bug or just existing limitations with the file upload feature but file (image) uploads with more than 10 items have had sporadic success. They will seem to upload and be visible as thumbnails in the record but then disappear, some reappearing a few minutes later. Is there an upload file size limit that’s causing this issue? We’ve experienced the issue with drag/drop on an inline editable record and using the + file feature.

There’s a few things to consider here:

  • File upload limit is 100mb for each upload, i.e. 10 files of 10mb, 1 file of 100mb
  • There’s a limit of ~40 files per upload regardless of size
  • Are you waiting for the upload to finish before moving away from the page
  • What data source are you using, or just Noloo tables?

We’re using airtable as our data source, from what I can tell the upload limits and staying the page weren’t issues related to the uploads.