Flexible Section Widths: Optimize Your Record & Blank Page Layouts

We’re thrilled to announce our latest feature: Flexible Layouts for Record and Blank Pages!

This update gives you the power to further customize your section widths, enabling you to create more efficient, visually appealing and flexible layouts.

Why Flexible Section Widths?
We understand that every user has unique layout preferences and requirements. By offering flexible section widths, we’re providing you with the ability to optimize your page designs according to your specific needs, while keeping those pages smart and responsive. This new feature makes it easier to organize your data, present information more effectively, and improve the overall user experience.

How Does It Work?
Customizing section widths is a breeze with our intuitive interface. Here’s how to get started:- Navigate to your Record or Blank Page.- Click on the section you want to resize.- Choose your desired width from the options available: 25%, 50%, or 75%.That’s it! Your sections will now appear side-by-side according to the selected widths.

Real-World Applications
Flexible Section Widths can significantly enhance the user experience across various use cases. For example, HR or Recruiting teams can create side-by-side sections for employee profiles, displaying personal information alongside performance metrics. Project managers can optimize their project pages by placing task lists next to relevant resources or updates.‍

Hi @gill / @darragh, is there any way to set the width to full width on auto generated pages? I can set it on pages/collections I create from a blank page but cant seem to find a way on pages that are system generated?

Thank you

Hey @garyGHL you can adjust the widths on components placed on blank pages and record detail pages.

When you refer to auto generated pages do you mean collection views that you add to your sidebar?

The only options you have there is choosing a different display type to adjust how the table of data is displayed.

Hi @gill, yes when I create a new page based on a table & layout as table (so unable to add collections, charts etc) there is no option to set width.

Most of my app is set at full width so would have been nice to have these pages conform too. The tables are quite data heavy so scroll bars appear.

I guess I could recreate them all but wondered if there was an easy way :slight_smile:


The only way you can adjust the width on a collection view so to speak is by changing the Display type from ‘Table’ to something like ‘grid view’? Which is essentially a full width table.

Have you tried that?

You can also choose a ‘top’ navigation menu experience to create even more real estate on the page!

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Thanks for your time @gill, I’ll have a crack at that.

@gill The grid goes all the way to the edge. Is there no way to have the “large” size for collection view?