Hey all-
I’m trying to set up a Contenated field to serve as the main Title field of a Timeline view. I want to link several individual fields together in this format:
Start Time [Duration Field] & Start Date [Date Field] & Customer Name [Lookup Field as it won’t let me select a linked record to include in the formula] & End Date[Date Field] & End Time[Duration]
I’ve already tried the CONCATENATE formula and using & between components instead, the TIMEVALUE and DATEVALUE formulas.
Here’s what I’ve gotten for each component:
Start Time
Input: 06:30 AM
Output: 23400
Start Date
Input: 11/27/2024
Output: 45623
Customer Name
Input: Name of Customer
Output: 1 out of 3 records were filled in correctly, 2 of 3 were empty despite having a filled in Lookup field
Normally I’d abandon this and solve it in an Airtable formula but we are using all Noloco tables for this project.
Any help is appreciated!