Formula Concatenation for Text & Date/Time Fields

Hey all-

I’m trying to set up a Contenated field to serve as the main Title field of a Timeline view. I want to link several individual fields together in this format:

Start Time [Duration Field] & Start Date [Date Field] & Customer Name [Lookup Field as it won’t let me select a linked record to include in the formula] & End Date[Date Field] & End Time[Duration]

I’ve already tried the CONCATENATE formula and using & between components instead, the TIMEVALUE and DATEVALUE formulas.

Here’s what I’ve gotten for each component:

Start Time
Input: 06:30 AM
Output: 23400

Start Date
Input: 11/27/2024
Output: 45623

Customer Name
Input: Name of Customer
Output: 1 out of 3 records were filled in correctly, 2 of 3 were empty despite having a filled in Lookup field

Normally I’d abandon this and solve it in an Airtable formula but we are using all Noloco tables for this project. :slight_smile:

Any help is appreciated!

Hi @dianakirby - it sounds like the duration field might be the issue here, as you said, it’s outputting 23400 which is probably the number of minutes in the duration.

To use dates you will need to format the date using TEXT like TEXT({date}, "YYYY-MM-DD")

And I’m not 100% sure what you mean about the customer name…

If you’re still running into trouble, our support team can help


Thank you! I was able to get it to work by just taking the time portions of it out. And the TEXT formula you provided. Time is complicated in any platform I’ve every used :slight_smile:

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