Add Duration to Datetime

Hello, i have a date field Start Date (formated as datetime) and a duration field. I would like to create a Formula field to add the duration field to the Start date field to give an ‘End Date Time’ field e.g.

27/02/2025 17:30:00 + 00:30:00 = 27/02/2025 18:00:00

I have attempted to do this with via a formula by adding the duration field to the start date and wrapping this in TODATE but that is not giving me the correct result.

Any ideas?

No sure if this is useful but its how I do something very similar.

TODATE(DATE(YEAR(Signedupdate) + Mortgage Term + 7,MONTH(Signedupdate),DAY(Signedupdate)))

Signedupdate is my Start Date, Mortagage Term would be you duration, then I add 7 years, you would remove that bit.

28/02/2025 + 30 + 7 = 28/02/2062

Cheers Gary! Appreciated. I’ll have a play around with that formula.