How do I add elements to a Container?

Trying to add elements to a container is not working for me. I am unable to drag an existing element into the container (e.g. a title) or add a new element inside the container. If I drag existing, it either goes above or below the container but not inside. If I click inside the container and then select a new element it goes outside - can’t get it in.

What am I doing wrong?

Sorry. Figured it out. Watched the walkthrough animation in the help. Should have done that in the first place. All is well.

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Glad to hear you were able to get it working @PeterJ

I spoke (half) too soon. I can add a new element to a container, but I am unable to drag an existing element into the container. Can someone give me a step by step instruction on how to move an existing element into the container?


You can drag it in from the menu on the left. That’s how I was able to duplicate elements and get them back into the container.

Select the container, then on the left hand panel at the bottom (page), all the elements on that page will appear. You can then drag them from there into the container.

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