How to find a work around on the fact that workflows cannot start workflows


I’m trying to find a way to create two type of records in two different databases based on the same trigger (a record creation), and to find a way to link these two newly created together, based on some relationship information available in another database.

My natural way of doing things would be as follow:

  • Based on the initial record creation trigger, create the new records for one type (using the “for each item in a list…” workflow action) in one database.
  • Based on the creation of these new records, create new records for the second type in the second database (using again the “for each item in a list”) and use this action to link the two together.

Since it is not possible for the result of one workflow to start another workflow, I have not found a way to do this kind of action.

Do you have some ideas? Alternatively, is it possible for Noloco to exceptionally authorize one specific workflow to start based on the result of another workflow (provided there is no loop created of course)?

Hey @Polka would you be able to create the second type of records in the “For each item in a list…” step?

Then you don’t need to rely on the other workflow?

Effectively putting whatever step you hoped to achieve in the other workflow into those sub-setps


I cannot use the same “For each item…” action because the records originate from different “lists”. And I cannot nest a “For each item…” action into another For each item… action either.

I can add a second “For each item…” action after the first one, and I can effectively create the new second type of records, but since they come from a different "action, I cannot link them together.

To be clear, my goal would be to end up creating (for example) 4 “Type A” records and 8 “Type B” records. In practice, I would like attach 2 type B records per Type A records (and the fact I need to attach these 2 records B with this specific record A would come from another database…)

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Hi, @darragh , is it possible to exceptionally allow a workflow to start another workflow? Alternatively, do you have another idea (or maybe suggest a different path) to overcome my issue?



Hey @Polka - unfortunately that’s not something we currently support

For more complicated workflows you could use or Zapier to do the looping