"Find a Record" option in Workflows

Hey All, having a “Find a record” option within Workflow actions in Noloco would be awesome! I often go to create one this way then remember I can do that in Airtable’s automations but not here- meaning I’d have to have an Airtable database to use this option and couldn’t do only Noloco native tables.

An example of a common use case I would use it for:

:point_right: When New Record is created in Table A:
:mag_right: Find the [linked record or record matching specific conditions] in Table B
:pencil2: Update Table B’s record with data from Table A’s Trigger Record.

[Photo for visibility]


This, alongside time-based triggers would be :fire: especially if we could use these “found” records in a “For each item in a list… do…” action

We could for example find all tasks that are due soon and email daily reminders to the users, or gather important stats and email them across to management on a weekly basis and many other use cases.