Import files with Make

Currently, It’s really complicated to import files in Noloco (with this solution)
Can you add a feature in Make to make it easier to import data?

Like that (Docusign integration) :

Capture d’écran 2024-07-22 à 14.54.01

Thank you very much, this tool is perfect !


Definitely agree @Thomas !

Something we would love to improve actually.

At the moment, have put large restrictions on complex integrations like ours, which makes it more difficult for us to update our integration, but we hope to work with make on this in the near future.

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Hi @darragh ,

Ok, thank you. I looked for an alternative solution :slightly_smiling_face:

I saw that we could create a new record in the “Files” collection, so perfect, but I have the impression that the messageId field is reserved for Noloco, is that correct ?

Error :
The operation failed with an error. [200] Unknown argument “messageId” on field “Mutation.createFile”.

Yes - that’s really something that should be removed, it won’t create/upload a file as you expect, sorry

Ok thank you @darragh
Do you have any another solution to integrate external file to Noloco ?
This item is really important to us, to achievement our app.

Not sure if this is relevant to your post but I have just managed to get inserts working from our online booking form into Noloco, were great at suggesting things.

Basically, we have a client scheduling form on our website, we wanted to import all bookings into Noloco. The tricky part was outputting the fields Noloco wanted and in the right fomat but it works perfectly now.




Hello @garyGHL, thank you,
Actually to import the fields Noloco works perfectly, the problem is to import files (pdf, jpg/jpeg, png…)


@Thomas The only solution (with for uploading files is as described in that other thread here: [] Uploading FILES to Noloco Via the API - blueprint example

I’d be happy to help you debug your specific file upload issue though in the other thread