It would be great to get some more integrations. One in particular that would be amazing is a direct integration with N8N to create automations. I find it far superior to Zapier or Make when creating actual custom app automations.
Howdy, I use loads of N8N integrations with Noloco, I use the ‘webhook’ node to trigger n8n workflows from Noloco, then within N8N you can use the HTTP nodes to send/query/modify data within noloco
That’s awesome! I was trying to do that, but I couldn’t figure out the structure that Noloco would accept to write data from the HTTP node. Can you share a screenshot, or is there a link to an example or walkthrough online somewhere?
Ill try and get some more details over later today! But basically you want to do what’s called a ‘graphQL mutation’ via the HTTP ‘POST’ request… here’s some details from the noloco api documentation: Update a Record | Noloco
here’s details from n8n on how to configure the body of the HTTP node: HTTP Request node documentation | n8n Docs
Also, in your app’s settings under the API key is a link to the ‘api explorer’ which will help you design mutations/queries to use within the body of the HTTP node within N8N - sorry I don’t have more details ATM!
Figured out how to get this working. You need to set the Webhook in n8n as a POST method, a response code of 200, and response data of Accepted
Once I did all of those, I tested the workflow action, and it worked like a charm!