Send (general) webhooks from an action button

I am working on several scenarios in NOLOCO and MAKE. I would like to trigger the MAKE scenarios from a button in NOLOCO via a webhook.


I would like to place these buttons on BLANK pages that serve as general function and administrative hubs. I specifically do not want to tie these buttons to records, do not need any data record transmitted, except for the webhook to trigger the workflow in MAKE.

This would require two things:

  1. General workflows, not tied to a collection. For the beginning, they could include only the webhook option.
  2. General action buttons, not tied to a record page that can trigger the general workflow (webhook).

There are a few ways of doing this actually

  • In Make, use webhooks that work on GET requests, these can then be opened in new tabs from Noloco and that would be the trigger
  • In Noloco, tie the workflow to the User record (which is in scope on blank pages) and that way you can trigger it from there
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Thank you!

This first option, I am using at the moment.
The second option, I will gladly try out.

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