Option to display data without it needing to be added as a page in the App (that is hidden)

Would love to be able to add data to an app without it’s need to also have a page in the app. If the data is already connected natively in the data set, it would be great to be able to update that data without it having to have a separate page on it’s own in the app.

Often I don’t need every data set to have it’s own page because I’m consolidating multiple collections into 1 blank page or base record page to simplify the user experience and workflows.

This means I end up with countless hidden pages that are not being used, and I can’t use the breadcrumbs for because I don/t want the user to go to the main page of it that is hidden.

It means a lot of unused pages are in my hidden area cluttering up the app experience for myself and my clients when they don’t need to be used on their own, they’re only being used directly by users in other areas such as a blank page or base record page where I’ve pulled in multiple collections into 1 workflow. Do these hidden pages also count towards the row amounts on plans or is that just the backend data itself regardless of what’s “in” the app whether it’s hidden or visible?