I’ve been systematically going through and eliminating the native breadcrumb feature where I can in favor of a back button that I’m creating. The native feature is often labeled confusing for my users. In doing so I just noticed that if the comment sidebar is not set to open by default there is no way to get it open because turning off breadcrumbs removes the comment sidebar button.
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Thanks for the post @onlymatt - we’re tracking this already and hoping to fix it very soon.
One suggestion would be to either hide the breadcrumbs with CSS, or to add the comment component to your page instead of using the sidebar.
Thanks @darragh CSS is not currently in my skill set but I was able to create a button at the top of the page set to navigate to the same record with “?_comments=true” added to the URL which works great. The only downside is its more manual work for now.
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Glad you found a workaround - I’ll keep you posted on the progress we make on this anyway