Rich Text Editor: Support for Headings

Love the fact that Noloco offers a Rich Text Editor - But its a shame headings are not supported at the moment.

Would love to see support for H1/2/3 :slight_smile:


It would be great to understand why you’re using the rich-text editor, so we can understand the use-case behind headings

Thanks for the suggestion though!

Different use cases but mostly for Notes, Descriptions, Protocols etc within Projects and other.

Basically without Headlines you cannot really archive any hierarchy in the “document” so I tend to Use Notion or something similar. But then it kinda defeats the Purpose of a custom App if you need another one just for Notes :wink:

Makes sense - thanks for suggesting it

It’s something we could definitely consider letting you enable

For most people, the rich text is just for things like bullets, bold and links, but I can totally see why more control would be important


Another Sidenote for the Rich Text Editor:

Would it be possible to use a higher font weight for bold Text?
Currently it seems to be just one above regular Text so its quite hard to distinguish.

Its a small thing but it would make quite a difference for the usability of the rich text field i think.

Here is a comparison between Airtable and Noloco:

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Our rich text fields live in Airtable and their content is created/edited by the rich text editor in Noloco.

Very often the text then goes directly to our Webflow site. In Airtable, as well as in Webflow rich text headlines play an important role in structuring text.

Adding H1 - H3 on the Noloco rich text editor would enable us to actually use that functionality which, at the moment, we are unable to realise.

For what it’s worth, you should still be able to do # H1 and ## H2 etc in the rich text editor and they will be passed as headers to your markdown converter

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Thanks for sharing this workaround. Would still love to see this as a feature as the visual/structure aspect, while composing text in Noloco is important.

I would like to bump this again, as we are writing more and more text in Noloco Apps and further structure through H1-H3 would be very helpful.

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