Since I have a table that’s over 100k records in my postgres and it runs into sync issues, I’m trying to fetch only the most recent 1000 records. My row id increments so I tried this code:
SELECT * FROM transactions
LIMIT 1000;
But I get an error syntax error at or near "LIMIT". Is there a restriction on doing this or it’s something on my code/end?
Hey @garyGHL, I was able to achieve what I wanted with the custom query here:
WITH RankedTransactions AS (
FROM transactions
FROM RankedTransactions
WHERE rn <= 1000;
Common Table Expression (CTE) WITH RankedTransactions: The code begins with a CTE, named RankedTransactions. A CTE is a temporary result set that can be referred to within a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement.
SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY id DESC) AS rn: Inside the CTE, the query selects all columns from the transactions table. Additionally, it uses the ROW_NUMBER() window function to assign a unique row number to each record. This row number is assigned based on the order specified by the ORDER BY clause, which in my case, orders the records by the id column in descending order. As a result, the most recent transaction (for my database, the highest id indicates the most recent record) gets the row number 1, the next most recent gets 2, and so on. This row number is aliased as rn.
SELECT * FROM RankedTransactions WHERE rn <= 1000: Outside the CTE, the final SELECT statement retrieves all columns of records from the RankedTransactions result set, but only for those records where the row number (rn) is 1000 or less. This basically filters the result to include only the top 1000 most recent transactions, as ordered by the id column in descending order.