Titles & Subtitles for blank pages

Titles & Subtitles for the design of blank pages would be much needed and appreciated.

There is really no workaround to this, as I can not get any text elements above the tabs of a page.

At the moment I am having to place titles and subtitles within each tab of that page.


I would love to bump this, as it’s a seemingly small ask with a big impact for us.

We work with blank pages as a starting point for themes, work areas, etc., all the time.

As we currently have no titles and subtitles on these pages you sometimes need to look twice what page you are actually on. We have worked around this by placing titles on the page (inside the tabs). But that obviously disrupts the user experience when standard elements appear in places other than expected,

Thank you

Would be really nice. the consistency of the navigation causes confusion in the end user UI flow.


Second this, was wishing for this many times!


Just saw that this has been implemented now. Good stuff, thank you @ noloco team!

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Awesome. That was fast. Thank you!

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