Update time for Calculated fields using PostgreSQL

Since Noloco formula fields cannot reference fields from other collections or other formula fields, we’ve been looking at other ways to do it. Looking at Xano, it seems that we would have to create the APIs and pull them into Noloco since the Noloco connector uses the Metadata API.

The other option we’re considering is using Postgres (through Supabase) to be able to generate computed values. What’s the delay for updates in Postgres to be reflected in Noloco?

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Hey @Ben :wave:

Our Postgres syncing speed will depend on the plan you’re on, but typically 1-2 minutes for the Business + Pro plan and 2-3 minutes for the Starter Plan.

We do plan to support lookups, which will be able to be used in Formulas very soon though, which will alleviate most of the issues you’re trying to overcome.

One added benefit of SQL sources is our Custom Queries, which can do all sorts of complicated calculations and then directly link them to the other (read-write) tables, meaning you get the best of both worlds.

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Thanks for the info! We’re going to try out the SQL Custom Queries to take it for a spin. Eager to have the lookups in Noloco! Would allow us to drop 3rd party backends and just use Noloco collections :partying_face:

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