Workflow IF function

Hi, happy new year everyone, hope its a good one.

We have a product chase list of mortgages ending in the next 6 months. If we could send an email to staff who need to chase these it would be great.


if ProductDateEnds = 6 months from today, then send case details by email to staff member.

Sure we could use that in many more scenarios too.



Definitely a +1 use case for us

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Looking at this today, we would have countless uses I imagine, to do lists, task lists, product chases and managing data integrity.

If ProductType = mortgage & PropertyValue = 0 then email owner
If LeadDate <=1 month & LeadStatus = Active then email owner

This would effectively keep reminding (annoying) them to put the correct data in. Eventually, they will get fed up and do the job right :slight_smile:

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