[200] Unknown type "undefined" error in Make.com and Noloco

I have encountered cases when trying to update a record in Noloco using the “Update a record” Action in Make.com it returns the following error RuntimeError - [200] Unknown type “undefined”.

Using the console log in the browser I have identified the mutation operation string. Notice the following “$address: undefined”. This Address field is created using the Street Address field type in Noloco. I have seen the error occurring on Phone Number fields also.

Even if you are not updating any fields in the Update Action it still produces the error.

mutation updateContact($id: ID!, $createdAt: DateTime, $updatedAt: DateTime, $status: ContactStatus, $createdById: ID, $birthDate: DateTime, $emailAddress: String, $jobTitle: String, $startDate: DateTime, $leaveDate: DateTime, $vehicleOperator: Boolean, $licenseNumber: String, $licenseClass: String, $licenseExpirationDate: DateTime, $employee: Boolean, $technician: Boolean, $assignmentStatus: ContactAssignmentStatus, $contactCurrentVehicleAssignmentId: ID, $employeeEntryId: String, $employeeNumber: String, $address: undefined, $nolocoCommentsId: [ID!], $vehicleAssignementsId: [ID!], $issuesReportedId: [ID!], $locationEntriesId: [ID!], $contactRenewalRemindersId: [ID!]) {
        updateContact(id: $id    createdAt: $createdAt    updatedAt: $updatedAt    status: $status    createdById: $createdById    birthDate: $birthDate    emailAddress: $emailAddress    jobTitle: $jobTitle    startDate: $startDate    leaveDate: $leaveDate    vehicleOperator: $vehicleOperator    licenseNumber: $licenseNumber    licenseClass: $licenseClass    licenseExpirationDate: $licenseExpirationDate    employee: $employee    technician: $technician    assignmentStatus: $assignmentStatus    contactCurrentVehicleAssignmentId: $contactCurrentVehicleAssignmentId    employeeEntryId: $employeeEntryId    employeeNumber: $employeeNumber    address: $address    nolocoCommentsId: $nolocoCommentsId    vehicleAssignementsId: $vehicleAssignementsId    issuesReportedId: $issuesReportedId    locationEntriesId: $locationEntriesId    contactRenewalRemindersId: $contactRenewalRemindersId) {   id   uuid   createdAt    updatedAt status    createdBy { id   uuid   createdAt   updatedAt email    firstName    lastName    isInternal    invitationToken    isActive    lastActiveAt    deactivatedAt }    birthDate    emailAddress    jobTitle    startDate    leaveDate    vehicleOperator    licenseNumber    licenseClass    licenseExpirationDate    employee    technician    assignmentStatus    contactCurrentVehicleAssignment { id   uuid   createdAt   updatedAt startedAt    endedAt    startMeterEntryValue    endMeterEntryValue    current    future    heading    altitude    speed    sfams    entryId    formLink    formQuery    formDocumentUrl }    employeeEntryId    employeeNumber    vehicleAssignementsCollection {    edges    {   node   {  id   uuid   createdAt   updatedAt startedAt    endedAt    startMeterEntryValue    endMeterEntryValue    current    future    heading    altitude    speed    sfams    entryId    formLink    formQuery    formDocumentUrl }    }    }    issuesReportedCollection {    edges    {   node   {  id   uuid   createdAt   updatedAt status    reportedAt    summary    description    dueAt    dueMeterValue    dueSecondaryMeterValue    createdByWorkflow    submittedInspectionFormEntryId    watched }    }    }    locationEntriesCollection {    edges    {   node   {  id   uuid   createdAt   updatedAt locatableType    itemType }    }    }    contactRenewalRemindersCollection {    edges    {   node   {  id   uuid   createdAt   updatedAt active    nextDueDate    dueSoonDate    dueSoonTimeThresholdFrequency    dueSoonTypeThresholdInterval    lastSentAt    overdue    dueSoon }    }    }   __typename    }