Adding menu option for settings


Am a newbie with Noloco and am creating a portal for a customer. I want to be able to give Admins the option to change settings for the users - e.g. change a users role or to give a user specific functionality.

Is there a way to do this using checkboxes or slide switches per user?


Hey Steve :wave: This is usually done by changing the user’s role

Any admin can change any other user’s role

Here’s a quick guide on how User Roles and Permissions work in Noloco:

Hi Darragh,

Thanks for the quick response. Let me give you a scenario to make sure that my thinking is sound when using the roles.

I am working on an app that tracks student’s late arrival at school but they are some students that are given a little leeway for various reasons.

So the majority of students need to be there by 8:30 (role Group A) after which they have to report late. Some students however have activities offsite in the morning and are allowed to get to school up to 8:45 (role Group B).

So, I assume that using the roles, if a student who was previously expected by 8:30 now takes up a morning activity, their role would just be changed from Group A to Group B.

Assuming that I am correct, can the Admin then just have a button that will make the change for the student rather having to edit the database directly?

Also, is there anyway to perform login checks in Noloco? I read a post that shows how to do calculations, so I figure that I should be able to store the # of minutes late subtracting the expected time from the actual arrival and storing that result.

Would I then be able to perform logic checks when displaying a chart so if a student is less than 10 minutes late, it will show in one colour, if between 10 and 20 another colour and over 20 another colour?


There’s a few things to digest here @SynopsisLabs but let me try

So, I assume that using the roles, if a student who was previously expected by 8:30 now takes up a morning activity, their role would just be changed from Group A to Group B.

Yes that could be one way to do it.
This might not need to be a role though - it could be an attribute of the student such as a category or status.

Assuming that I am correct, can the Admin then just have a button that will make the change for the student rather having to edit the database directly?

Absolutely, this would be a great use-case for a dedicated Action Button

I figure that I should be able to store the # of minutes late subtracting the expected time from the actual arrival and storing that result.

This sounds like you could use a formula field to do the calculation

Then you could put that on a chart, it would probably be best to use another formula based on that time result, to categorize them, which you could chart/color

Thanks very much for the response. Will give it a whirl!!