Looking for Some Help with Customizing User Dashboards in NoloCo?

Hi everyone,

I am trying to set up customized dashboards for different user roles in NoloCo but am running into some challenges. Specifically, I want to display different widgets and data based on the user’s role within the app…

Here’s what I’ve done so far ::-

  • Created separate roles and permissions.
  • Set up basic dashboards with standard widgets.

However, I am struggling with configuring the dashboards so that they automatically adjust based on the user’s role… For example, I would like the admin users to see analytics and system metrics, while regular users should only see their personal tasks and notifications.

Any tips or best practices for achieving this would be greatly appreciated… Are there specific settings or features within NoloCo that I should be using: ?? Also, if there are any tutorials or guides available, that would be fantastic !! I also searched on the web about this and got these results Build an Admin Dashboard with SmartSuite for Customer Success with Noloco Azure Admin it helped me a lot but now looking for more advice.

Thanks in advance for your help! :pray:

Hey @iamsteve thanks for the great question

Have you checked out Noloco’s Visibility Settings ?

They can be applied to whole pages, tabs, containers or individual elements which should allow you to create one dashboard that dynamically adjusts to the role (or properties of) the user viewing it