I have a handful of bulk action setups in my app. I’ve noticed they are very sensitive when performing a larger bulk action number (10 or more). If I refresh too soon it doesn’t complete all records. This is even after the progress animation is completed and you’d expect they are all done.
I have one in particular on this page that I often run higher number bulk actions on that almost never completes an entire batch correctly. If it was more reliable I would be performing a bulk action on approximately 100 records at a time. Instead I have to break it into smaller chunks and sometimes even 10 is too much. For reference it only updates 3 fields on each record, no other actions. Fortunately its easy to tell which records haven’t been completed, but it is essentially taking some of the convenience out of a bulk automation.
Is there anything I should do on my end or a way we can improve this? It gives me concern for future bulk action uses where it would be harder for a user to verify if they were successful.
I want to check in on this again since its a regular issue in how we use noloco. The process is very irregular in how long it will take to execute bulk actions and whether or not it will perform all that is needed. For example, yesterday I had to perform a bulk action on 200 records. It took 3 tries to get about 20-30 records done at each pass, then the 4th time quickly completed over 100 records. This was spread over a good amount of time where I left the page open and didn’t interrupt the process, it just seems to get hung up often.
Thanks for your patience here @onlymatt we’re looking into improving the performance of both action buttons and bulk actions.
If you’re looking for a solution, you might be able to use bulk-updates (rather than bulk actions) as they should be able to handle more records more quickly
Thanks for the update @darragh
When you say “bulk updates” are you referring to using a workflow instead?
I’m referring to the ability to bulk-update many records when changing a record inline actually
It’s slightly different, and doesn’t involve workflows
I use bulk updates, most recently it’s started to break. I have to use action buttons as the inline bulk update doesn’t work on checkboxes (as far as I can tell. The flyout menu doesnt appear offering to update all records??
I have a checkbox that we use bulk updates to set as ‘Yes’ (checked). When running on 10 -15 records it does so in about a minute.
Anything above that it seems to hang and often doesn’t complete the updates. There doesn’t seem to be a pattern to when it works or doesn’t, reports I’ve had back are usually in the afternoon so it may be a bandwidth issue? (UK afternoon is US morning). Or it may be they only run it the afternoons 
Not a big problem as we just run it again on smaller numbers.