Calender Element: Cannot Change date/create new record

With Calender Elements on Blank pages, dragging Records to a different Day does now work.
Also Adding a New record by clicking on a specific Day does not work either.

It works fine in Collection Pages.

Another Bug with the Calender Element:

When I open a Record from within the Calender, the “Back to previous Page” Link is not shown.

Bildschirmfoto 2024-09-13 um 13.31.42

Also, inline Editing seems pretty buggy aswell.
If I click an Event and change the Date manually, nothing happens at first, the old date is still shown. It takes multiple minutes or a Reload to display the change in the Calender.

Would be nice if those could be looked into, its tricky to explain to a Client that they cannot drag and drop Elements on their Calender and if they try changing the date manually, the change will not be reflected in any way until they reload.

Wanted to ask if this will be adressed soon.

The Calender view is quite crippled as it is now.