Control over grouping colour in calendar

Hi Everyone

I am grouping a calendar by a event type that is a related record. How can I control the colour (in other system you can have a field that is the colour field)


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Hey @Kieran :wave: If you’re grouping by a Single Option field, then the groups will use the options colors.

If not, I would really appreciate any insights into how you expect this to work, given there could be a large number of unique groups

Hi Darragh

No I am grouping by a related table called event types.

I guess the only way to make this work would be a colour field (hex values) option in the calendar setup for the relating table records (in event types) and if it does not find a colour then default to normal (black) .

Saying all this, Its not a deal breaker for me as the colours seem nice as they are. I assume that the colours will always remain the same in the current setup? i.e if I make a manual key for the page will the colours remain the same.

@darragh I’m running into some user feedback from the color issue now. I’ve got 2 project managers that are managing 7+ field employees on a calendar. Having the color grouping is a great improvement over not having it but it would be much more effective to have a way to control the colors. As of now this calendar is grouped by user name. The issue is that colors change with any user changes. The managers have a little time to get used to a color and then when the user list changes (which is often) all the colors shift. This is compounded by the fact that they now have the option to assign multiple users to an event which creates a new color and shifts the order of colors. Have a color code field with the user record seems to be a great solution. We’d have to select which field has the color code just like select start date, end date and dependencies. Is this easy enough to implement or do you have a work around for now?
Screenshot 2024-03-26 at 6.08.38 PM

Thanks for the feedback @onlymatt !

The solution you’ve described is definitely possible, and something we’re thinking about, but not trivial

If you want fixed colors you would need to group by a single-option field, which you can define the color on - would that be possible?

I was able to set up an airtable automation to copy the user names to a single select field. It’s a decent workaround for now, will definitely placate my team! Thanks for the suggestion.

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