Custom typography (without CSS)

This is one of those quality of life things, not a functional matter. I see this in two phases:

Phase 1
Able to control font, text size, and color from inside the editor while working with text, title, and subtitle fields in the builder, without having to deploy any CSS.

Phase 2
Able to control font, text size, and color from inside the editor while working with any text related fields at all in the builder, without having to deploy any CSS. For example, I see this as a little menu near the “Display as” configuration where you can select the color, font, and text size.


Yes!! I was going to add this one the other day and forgot, so thank you!!! Also would LOVE the ability to adjust line spacing between label/field title/subtitle! PLEASE :smiley:


Great call - didn’t think about that one :ok_hand:t3:

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Yes, appearance and CI are very important. I do realise that this poses potential difficulties with the layouts, depending on what fonts I define. But the ability to upload custom fonts would make our user experience much more brand-connected.