Can you format emails sent via workflows? I’d like to set a few of the items in the email to bold.
I tried Markdown and 1 HTML tag but didn’t get that to work.
Can you format emails sent via workflows? I’d like to set a few of the items in the email to bold.
I tried Markdown and 1 HTML tag but didn’t get that to work.
Hey @dianakirby - at the moment we don’t support any formatting options in our workflows.
It’s something we’re definitely thinking about though.
It would be great to have a better understanding of what you’re trying to do
Assuming there’s not a way to add a picture (external company logo of my user) to a workflow email?
Hey Darragh- sorry for the late reply. I’ve since come across this another few times. I like to send some items in bold in emails- typically when it’s going to clients/external users and I want to “highlight” a particular section for them so they don’t miss it.
It’s often I want to add bold to a few words.
example- I’m sending record details for a referral record. I want to but the titles in bold while leaving the content not bold:
Referral Name: Diana Kirby
Thanks for some extra context @dianakirby
This is something we hope to work on pretty soon
Great to hear this is something that would be worked on. Have a similar use case to Diana where having markdown capabilities in the email design would be a huge win.
Finding that would allow us to easily organize some of the data points we’re including in the emails while having a bit more control over the formatting
The same markdown curently used would be incredibe as a start all simple text is hard to convey any priority in email currently
Has anyone found a workaround? My emails always seem to look different, with strange spacing and formatting.
This is killing me, have the system set up beautifully to create emails for our trade partners, but the formatting is horrible
Hi @rjp - thanks for your feedback, we hope to have a new solution pretty soon
Hey everyone As promised, we’ve recently added the ability to toggle on Markdown functionality in your emails, gives you really flexible customization over your workflow emails
I used this for a client’s email the other day and it was delightful. Great work team!