Hide collection if empty

It would be amazing if you could choose to simply “hide on empty state” for a collection as a toggle


We have raised this somewhere before. With you 100%

Thanks for the suggestion @showcal_rob and @Tobias

While it’s often possible to do this with visibility rules, sometimes it’s not.

One thing I thought of, presuming if you have filters, you would still want to show the empty state if someone filters to something that returns no results?

Correct, show empty state when user filtering, but when setting the actual filter for the block, toggle to hide if empty. Save on screen real estate etc

Best regards,

Correct. Presuming there are records there to filter, I would need to be able to do that. But when the collection elements shows no records, whether by there being none or based of filter conditions showing none, the elelemt would be hidden.

Woo hoo!! We have the toggle! Thanks @darragh and team!

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Well Spotted @Brandi_Bullock !

We’ll be announcing this today actually!

Hope it works as expected


I noticed it works great when the results from the relative filter are empty, but it does not work when I use a regular filter and the results are empty.

Do you mean a filter field, like the one a user applies?

If so, that’s very much intentional.
If the section disapears after you add a filter, there would be no way to get it back (except maybe leaving the page).

Unless you’re talking about these types of filters, which are working as expected for me
