I broke my app! 🙈

Hi Guys,

I’ve managed to seriously break my app while merging 2 airtable bases into 1 to streamline things. My Noloco app had 2 synced airtable bases, I’ve moved all the tables & data from one of the bases into the other and updated most of my views in Noloco to use the new tables from the correct base. I started getting some errors with some of the views I was trying to update and figured it was due to both bases being synced into Noloco and having duplicate table & field names etc.

So I went ahead and deleted the base I would no longer be using from Noloco thinking this would fix those errors and allow me to keep building… But nope, everything is still borked! I have I think 3 tables in Noloco which are now throwing up errors similar to the below:

Would someone be able to help me out please!

Hey @EthosLuke would you be able to include a link to your app? Or just the name is fine.

This is likely something gone wrong on our end, but it’s an easy fix


Hey @darragh,

It’s [redacted]

You should be good to go again Luke! Just let us know if you see this again (you shouldn’t though, it was due to something that happened earlier in the week)

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