I’m just setting up Docs Automator.
This is what I’ve got so far.
DocsAutomator creates the PDF and puts it into the predefined Attatchment field of the Table where the document was created. Lets say its table “Projects”
Workflow with Trigger “when projects record is updated”, watching the attatchment field
Create new record in “Documents”, take the File from Projecte and put it into the attachment field-
This is where i’m stuck. I can select the Attatchment fields in Projects but not the content.
Is this not possible at all or am i doing something wrong ?
You should be able to attach the new document to an email from the very first workflow, where you generate the document, by choosing the output of the DocsAutomator step
Depending on the field type you might not be able to attach it in the second workflow from the Project record directly.