Launch Week Day 3 πŸš€ Stacked Bar Charts

Hi there,

It’s Day 3 of the Noloco Launch Week. Each day this week we are announcing some major new features available in Noloco. Checkout the full week of launches.

Stacked Bar Charts

This new chart type allows you to group your bar charts by one of your fields, making it easy to compare different segments, categories, or statuses in a single, clear visualization.

Benefits of Stacked Bar Charts:

  • Better Comparisons:
    Quickly compare multiple data segments within a single bar, providing a clear picture of your data’s composition.

  • Space Efficiency:
    Maximize space on your dashboard by consolidating multiple data series into one chart.

  • Insightful Analysis:
    Easily spot trends and patterns within grouped data, helping you make informed decisions faster.

Easy Setup:

Setting up Stacked Bar Charts is simple. Just choose your field to group by, and Noloco does the rest. Customize your chart with a few clicks to match your needs perfectly.

New Visualization and Reporting Options:

With Stacked Bar Charts, you can create detailed reports that highlight:

  • Sales by Product Category:
    Compare sales performance across different product categories over time.

  • Task Completion Status:
    Visualize the distribution of completed, in-progress, and pending tasks in your project.

  • Customer Segmentation:
    Analyze customer demographics and behaviors in a single, comprehensive chart.

See how it works

Will you also include automatic percentage calculations on pie charts? For example, if I upload a dataset of male and female counts, instead of just displaying 400 M and 600 F, when I hover over the chart, it should automatically show the respective percentages, 40% and 60%. This feature is similar to what is available in Google Looker Studio.

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Great suggestion @Cristiano :raised_hands:

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Do Stacked Bar Charts work only for numbers but not for currencies?

If the currency field is a number field, formatted as a currency, it should work without a problem.

Feel free to send us a URL and we can inspect