On form save redirection not working if parentPage

When a form has a parent page specified in the URL, the “on save” redirect feature doesn’t seem to work. I’m not sure if this is a bug or intentional.

More detail: I have a collection in a record page, with the “Create new” button enabled. When a user clicks to create a new record, following creation it always takes them back to the parent page, whereas I’d like to send them into the newly created record. Tried everything but no joy!

This is working as expected actually Luke, based on our experience and feedback it’s the expectation.

If you want it to behave differently you’ll need to use an action button, or use a link to the page that doesn’t pass the parentPage query params

Ah, cool, understood! I had presumed that if you entered a value it’d override the default logic, but thanks for the workaround suggestions, much appreciated.