Pagina vuota e regole personalizzate

On a blank page, I am unable to set the custom rules as I want. I am using Noloco with Airtable as the database, and it seems to only show the native Noloco tables, namely the users and company tables, to choose the various logical conditions. You can clearly see this from the screenshots I have attached.

For example, I need to be able to display the Notice when the current month has started and the current date is equal to or before the 7th of the month. I cannot do this under these conditions. The difference is that within the record, on the record page, I can perform this operation because it accesses my Airtable data, whereas on the “home” of the blank page, I cannot.

Has anyone else encountered this problem?

How can I resolve it?

Thank you and have a good day.

Hey @Cristiano - thanks for posting in the community.

Have you setup a User List?
User Lists | Noloco

This will link your Noloco users to your Airtable users, giving you access to the Airtable fields