Airtable: Record filter in airtable ignored by Noloco

In airtable I have a filter which is set on a linked field showing the latest activities from another table. I only want to show a selection of these activities matching a single select field in the linked table. This is why I setup a filter on record level in airtable (not possible with noloco lookups yet):

Unfortunately it seems that the filter setting on the linked record field on airtable is ignored by noloco, as still all activities are shown (ignoring the filter on linked field level in airtable.

Hey JCW,

In Noloco these filters are done at the interface level rather than at the data level. While editing that field on your form/page you should see an “Options filter” where you can setup this filtering in Noloco. Unfortunately this does need to be setup everywhere that your users can modify this field so it certainly would be nice to be able to change it in one place and have it apply across the whole app.

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Hey @JCW , as @EthosLuke mentioned, the filters in Airtable are purely cosmetic, and we don’t sync those across to Noloco (I’m not even sure we’re able to).

The solution proposed by @EthosLuke is the best, and usually only needs to be implemented in a few spots.

We are definitely thinking about field-level filters though (similar to Airtables approach) we just need to consider how these would play with:

  • Existing permissions
  • Additional filters
  • Custom filters