Real Containers + Columns

It’s nice that there are Containers now, however it seems to me that those really Columns rather than Containers. If I add two Elements to a container, they are not floating next to each.

Its still impossible to have two Elements next to each other within the “Standard Width” Container which would be critical to build decent Layouts.

Thanks for the feedback @_4N this is actually in the works, we shipped the V1 of containers, which work more like columns as you said, but we plan to add the full support for specifying element widths within containers soon

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Was about to drop a request for this, super glad I saw this. Thanks for your response Darragh - splitting container width between 2+ elements is one of the main reasons I was wanting containers so that’s great to hear.

Hey folks, containers should be behaving as you originally expected now, by having the width of the individual component relative to the container.

Sorry we missed this in the first draft, but thanks for the suggestions!


That sounds good!

Just to clarify tho, the way it works now is still V1 right?

If you could now stack containers containers like this

  • Container
    – col 1 (container
    – col 2 (container
    – etc

That would be awesome.

Nice 33% & 66% on page level work now btw!

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