Relative date not calculating accurately

Maybe this is a bug or maybe its just a timezone thing I can’t figure out but I’ve got a field that is not calculating the relative date accurately. The field is currently set with date only to 10/29/24 but when set to display as relative date it shows 10/28/24 at 8PM. You can see both in this screenshot where the relative date is in view on the left but the accurate date is in view in a modal. The date is correct in airtable and is correct (10/29/24) if it turn off relative date.

Hey @onlymatt - so is the relative time incorrect or just the full time when you hover over it?

Both equally incorrect when the field is set as relative date

In terms of how many hours you expected it to be, you were expecting it to show the time since midnight? Or “Today”?

Yeah, that’s kind of what I’d expect since the field doesn’t have time with it I figured it would go by the start of day (12:00am).

Thanks @onlymatt we’ll take a look