More of a low-level item, it would be nice to have a screen size preview (desktop, tablet, mobile). I don’t use it a ton on other platforms that have it (e.g. Softr), but every now and then a customer will want/prefer Mobile-first usage. Most of the time my clients intend to use the platform on a computer/desktop but mobile is nice.
Noloco already has a lot of great accessibility and responsive design when it comes to mobile and PWA versions, but the only way for me to view it on mobile or show it to clients is to login to the app on my mobile device. Not a huge thing of course! Just perhaps a nice to have for a rainy day
This is especially pertinent when it comes to Containers. I had a client need mobile-first and the container set up I’d created put the buttons all out of order on mobile, so I needed to switch up how I’d organized the containers for it to be mobile responsive