Tooltips for fields

I think it would be another great visual feature if instead of adding help text below a field if we could add a tooltip instead. Maybe with the ability to have a little (i) icon next to the field label so it’s obvious to the user that there is a tooltip available.

I think with the help text below a field it can make the page look really cluttered and also leads to some layout inconsistencies if you only want to add help text to certain fields (as a lot of fields are self-explanatory) so if we were able to have the help text in a tooltip instead it would really improve the UX.


Oh boy… I love this one! There are various single text fields in different collections in my apps, and being able to further describe to endusers what they’re for would be really helpful.

Love any and all ability to add tool tips!

I was just writing the request for this one, when yours came up. It would help beautifully and reducing clutter on the screens.

Would be wonderful to have less text on the page and put it into pop ups as needed by the users.

Love the idea itself and would like to add an additional suggestion:

If it was possible to add multiple tooltips to one item and then show only one based on conditional visibility rules it would be a great way to give users more info in their respective language.