Using callback to update a user field

I’m using Gleap for bug reporting, help articles etc (very cool tool if people haven’t tried it). They also have a handy Product Tour which I’m going to implement. When a user has completed the tour, it sends a callback:

Gleap.on(“productTourCompleted”, (data) => {

Would there by anyway using the custom code to update a user record so that I can mark that they’ve completed the tour?

Use case: I want to include some demo content for the tour, but then hide this when they have completed.

A steer in the right direction would be great, sure I’ll figure out the rest! Thanks :slight_smile:

Update: I wasn’t sure how to update a record directly in Noloco, but I am able to hit my Xano API and update the record, so that’s a step forward!

Makes sense @lukebranford

The only other way would be to make an API request directly to the Noloco API, this way it would be authenticated as the current user too (if you used their tokens)

Ah, good shout regarding using the Noloco API, I will try that as right now there’s a short delay whilst it syncs back. Thanks!