Webinar Annoucement: From Spreadsheets to Databases: A Guide to Structuring Your Data with Noloco

Hey Noloco Community! :rocket:

Quick reminder about our webinar happening today at 16:30 GMT / 11:30 EST. Myself and Ben from Automation Helpers will be taking you through “From Spreadsheets to Databases: A Guide to Structuring Your Data with Noloco.

Perfect for complete no-code / Noloco beginners, we’ll show you how easy it is to move from spreadsheets to a structured database - built using Noloco Tables.

If you’ve ever felt lost trying to manage multiple spreadsheets and wondered about a better way to organise your data, this session is for you. We’ll be starting from scratch, so no prior knowledge is needed!

RSVP here: From Spreadsheets to Databases: A Guide to Structuring Your Data with Noloco | Noloco Events

See you there! :wave:

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