Zapier search zap dont work

Hello i have a zapier with a search step to find data from my user data (

I get this error

When i publish the zap, it workes fine and passes but i cant do the test, and if i cant do the test from the last zap, i cannot collect the data for the second step in zapier.


Also i tried a workaround, i put another ID on the last search step and collected the data, then changed back to the real ID, but when i run it live its not working i got the same error

It looks like the record you’re testing with is too large for Zapier to respond unfortunately.

Can you test with another record?

Yes it works with another record ID but not this one.

In my database for user (

The record is 13001. its not really much data, only linked to another records in another database. I just need the name, phone from the search step…

I think the problem is that our Zapier integration needs to load all of the linked data too, which in your case, that user has >1000 tilldela-utforare linked records…