Airtable Assigned User

After almost going live now and adding users (dentists), the CEO doesn’t like the idea of inviting them to Airtable first, teaching them how to turn off notifications, turn off email marketing, etc so that they don’t get bombarded with Airtable’s notification, which is why we want to use Noloco in the first place.

But since we Airtable as our database, assigning records requires a user to be added in Airtable first…

I’m thinking of moving our database to Noloco but we have tons of automation in Airtable that we need to rebuild and unfortunately Noloco’s workflows are not yet there so we can’t use i

what is your best recommendation?

Hey @juliusdb,

I discovered a workaround for this myself, if you setup an interface in your Airtable base and then share the interface with your new user (untick the notification) then they become available in your application without signing up!