Charts: Exclude the year when grouping the x-axis by Month?

I’m trying to re-create a chart similar to the one in the screenshot below but I can’t figure out how to accomplish it in Noloco.

Basically comparing stats across the years, in AT I accomplished this by creating a formula field for the Month to use on the x-axis for the “month number - month name” to sort correctly (e.g. 01 - Jan through to 12 - Dec) and then on the y-axis I am doing a sum on quantity and grouping by year to get the 3 different lines.

In Noloco I obviously need to manually create the series’ to get the different lines for each year on the chart, which gives the minor inconvenience of having to update the chart every year with new series’ but the bit I can’t work out is the x-axis. If I use the same month field that I use in Airtable it doesn’t display the months in the correct order and if I instead use the actual date field and group by month then it includes the year within that which produces even less desirable results. Is there any way around this that I’m missing?

Month field - wrong order:

Date field grouped by month:

If it’s just a text field, we sort the bars by Highest to lowest, so, as you discovered, you need to use a date field and choose to group by month.

However our default label for grouping by month includes the year (because there could be multiple years, as per your screenshot)

So in that case there is no way to achieve my required result which is to display overlapping lines for each year, showing the sum for each month (in the correct month order Jan - Dec)?

Oh you want to combine the values for multiple years?

I want to display the like the screenshot below, so a line for each year showing the sums against each month

Oh I see, so your “years” are overlapping rather than one after another.

My only solution at the moment would be to have a formula field “translate” the date to be in the current year, that way you use that date field on the x-axis and then it would look like your screenshot, but it would say January 2024 etc…

Yep exactly, having them overlap makes comparing data over the years much easier (e.g. Comparing year on year sales)

I think that will be a good enough workaround for now and will just need explaining to the users to ignore the year on the x-axis labels. I’ll give it a try and let you know if I have any issues.

Another visualization option would be to use a pivot table with your month variable too, that would work nicely I think

The workaround for the line chart seems to work well but for some reason with the pivot table it throws an error whenever I try to use my month field…

Using my “corrected date” field grouped by month works but again the slightly confusing UX of having the year included alongside the month

Just another follow-up on this in case anyone else is trying to accomplish the same and their data also happens to be in Airtable… If you format the “Month” field formula in Airtable to display as a single-select field then Noloco will display it in the correct order (i.e. the order of your options in the select field)!

Great idea @EthosLuke :100: