Click plus to create new records from table collection

Feature Request: Click plus to create new records from table collection

  • From a table collection, users should be able to click a plus button at the bottom (see example in screenshot below) to easily create a new record.
  • Right now, you have to use the collection’s default New Record button which is very cumbersome when you’re adding a high number of records.


I requested this too, would be such a time saver for our end users. We create 40 invoices each month that can have 50+ entries, having an inline add would be really helpful.

Fingers crossed for this one :crossed_fingers:

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Yeah the only workaround I’ve used is an action button that triggers a workflow which creates 10, 20, maybe 30 records for example. But that approach is awfully slow.

We use an action button to copy a record with similar data, then overwrite the data where required. Could be improved but it does work and speeds things up a little.